Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tunes in the Noggin

There are some songs that just get "stuck" in your head!  When you're out on the road for hours at a time, or running for miles and miles, it could be a blessing or a curse!  If something annoying is in my noggin, I will listen to something I want to have stuck there before I head out.

Lately these are some of the songs that go through my head.  These are the good ones! 
Usually when one says, "Oh my God!" it is blasphemy.  However, I love, love, love this song as a heart cry to the maker of my heart, mind and body.  It is a cry of being painstakingly weaker than my God;it is a cry of joy for His grace and mercy; it is a cry of thanksgiving that I can be out on the road wherever I am, doing what I am able to do. 

So it's not a spiritually rejuvenating sorry.  This one feeds my inner competitor.  Set fire to the rain?  Sure, I can do that. 

Here are the lyrics:
Oh Great God, Give us Rest/ We're all worn thin from all of this/At the end of our hope with nothing left/Oh Great God give us rest//Oh Great God do your best/Have you seen this place it's all a mess//And I've done my part too well I guess/Oh Great God, do your best//Could you take a song and make it Thine//From a crooked heart twisted up like mine//Would you open up Heaven's glory light/Shine on in, and give these dead bones life/Shine on in, and give these dead bones life//Let it shine, let it shine/On and on, on and on, come to life.

These lyrics are very appropriate for both spirit and body!  Rest...shine...come to life!

A great beat, good lyrics, a bit of a ballad...all a recipe for a great song if you ask me!  I don't know if to "raise the flag" is symbolic for giving up; if it is, I'm not doing it!  So there's a few tears that fall and make a waterfall.  Good thing I can swim!

That guy was brilliant who put the video together with this song as a background.  It makes people like me hope it's playing at the finish line...epic!

These are just a few of the mental playlist that goes on in my head.  I don't ever wear headphones while I run or ride (for safety, and to not become dependent on it); so I must depend on my own wits to get me through training.  Sometimes it's more of a challenge than others. :)

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